Hope After Death
A Love Stronger Than Death
What Happens when you Die?
What the Bible Says About Death
The Hot Topic of Hell
Soving the Mystery of Death
Perils of Talking to the Dead
Discovering the Lost Sabbath
The United States in Bible Prophecy
Decoding the Mark of the Beast
The Spirit of the Papacy
The Sabbath in Prophecy
The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Our God is a Consuming Fire
Immortality of the Soul
How Sunday Became the Popular Day of Worship
Can We Keep the Sabbath?
In Gog They Trust?
The Antichrist 666
The Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet
Mysticism, Hollywood and the Music Industry
UFO's and the New World Order Connections
The New Age Movement and the Illuminati 666
To the Last Drop of Our Blood
Breaking the code of the Secret Societies
The Trail of the Sepent
From Living Nightmare to Walking with Angels
Hell-A Final Word
The Fire that Consumes
The Lunar Sabbath Conspiracy
Truth Triumphant
Sacred Time unRembered
Rome's Challege